Sunday 17 June 2012

It feels like ages.

Gah, so i'm not actually sure how long it's been since i've put a new blog up but it feels like AGES!

But perhaps it feels longer because i've been busy being bog down by stupid revision for this oh so important exams, the sad thing there is they are actually important and i'm not being sarcastic. But hopefully I did enough just to get into uni, hopefully the uni i want to get into but if not i'll live, well as long as i get into  a uni.

Anyway, the long period of revision is finally over for me. YAY. So maybe this means i might find more things to blog about and have some random people read about? Hmm maybe, although it is nice to know that someone out there is reading my blog, even if they stumble upon it accidently or even if the blog hits aren't in the hundreds or thousands, it's just nice to know that someone might have found what i write interesting.

I'm not quite sure what to say about what i've done over the past few weeks because quite frankly i haven't done much. Unless you count accidently dying my hair bright ginger eventful? Hmm, maybe it can be. But other than up until last night i'd pretty much been a hermit.

Last night was a well deserved break from all the studying i've done (or maybe not done) and it was a nice way to celebrate finishing college and at the same time celebrate my friend's birthday.

To anyone who might actually enjoy reading my blog i promise to have more interesting things up soon. Pinky promise! :P

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