Friday 20 July 2012

I already know i'll be in tears writing this...

Like my little title there tells you, I'm going to cry trying to write this and attempt to get my thoughts out.

Although i did intended to write a blog about what i thought about The Dark Knight Rises tonight, i find i can't. As much as i enjoyed the film i want to write about the tragedy which occurred after midnight, in Colorado, Denver, Aurora. Something which media outlets are labelling as 'Aurora Dark Knight Massacre' or 'The Batman Massacre'.

God rest their souls to those who lost their lives on the 20/07/2012, and may my thoughts be with their families and friends, they'll have love from all over the world.

It's sad what happened no doubt about it, and i can't help but admit that a few times during today upon reading updates about what was developing; i.e who the suspect was; but i found myself close to tears several times, only forcing myself to stay composed because of those around me. But i find what happened a wake up call. In the sense horrible things like this happen to remind us how fragile life is, and how anyone can destroy it. It's sad that we only realise in times like this, but it is also in times like this people can stick together and support each other more than imaginable. But it is sad that we need times like this to remind us nothing is permanent and that community is more important than we'll admit.

What I hate is the names in which media outlets are labelling this massacre as. It hurts me to see the word Batman, and even just Batman related things (Dark Knight) to be used in the same sentence as massacre. I know that Batman, is just another word in the English dictionary and some might souly look at it as a character name, but to me and many others the word means so much more. Batman is a hero to people, an inspiration, a role model, a motivator. And so many different things to people. I know the name given to this massacre is because of the fact of when it happened, during a midnight screening of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, i don't know why but i feel a more appropriate name should be given. And i know some people may come across my blog and wonder why the hell i appear to be 'complaining' about a name of terrible event, but i don't mean to complain, i just think the media could label things better.

I don't think it's actually easy for what i am trying to say, but i feel like the label gives Batman a black mark. As i must admit as silly as it might have been i felt jumpy that something could possibly happen during the start of the film, because it was natural to think in the back of your head. 'Christ what if something happens' after all who could have ever predicted what would end up happening in that Cinema? No one could've.

I guess what i am trying to say is that i hope the films and the Batman character isn't forever associated with what happened. As the only factor Batman and the films had to do with this was because of the setting. What should be remembered is one deranged man caused this, a sick in the head coward killed 12 people, who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And as i think about it more, it isn't just my selfish desire to have Batman as this hero. I'm not too sure the families and friends of both the deceased and injured would want a constant reminder of the film which their loved ones were watching when they were attacked while completely defenceless.

As i read more about Aurora, the more it upsets me. Seeing an image of 24 year old girl called Jessica Ghawl, she was beautiful, and then to read what she was doing with her life is even sadder. She appeared to be the life of the party and clearly had her whole life in front of her. Its upsetting to see that the killer was the same age as Jessica, i don't know why but it evokes more emotion in me. It brings me to tears hearing about what this callous man did to people in that cinema, to hear the account of Jessica's best friend, who tried to help her before realising that she recieved a fatal blow, is heart breaking. A man of the same age stole her life, her livelyhood, her future, everything. And he stole it from 11 other people, 11 strangers and injured so many more. A part of me dreads hearing about the others who have died, it'll trouble me to hear how long some victims were, and what others were doing with their life.

I do hope i haven't caused anyone offence who might have found this blog and read it, but if i have it is in no way intentional.

Rest in peace to those who lost their lives 20/07/2012.

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