Wednesday 23 May 2012

DC Comic to 'Out' A Character

So me being a lovely sibling, i decided to make us some chocolate cupcakes with some ice cream (which taste amazing if they're straight from the oven) anyway this isn't the point. So we were discussing things while watching Pirates of the Caribbean and Disney came up, which lead to me saying how Marvel is now owned by Disney and ultimately we spoke about DC.

She told me how DC are meant to be 'outing' a character and most people think it might be Batman.

Not gonna lie but that annoyed me. In fact it'd piss me off if DC outed Batman, and before anyone says i'm homophobic i'm not (i mean even look at one of my previous blogs aha anyway that's not the point) and let me explain.

To me DC suddenly wanting out someone seems a bit of a cope out, like they're doing it for the sake of doing it and not in the way in which it develops a character. It feels, least to me it feels like they're doing it to keep up in the sense Marvel suddenly came out with a black Spider Man. And why they has to be an emphasis on the character's ethicty I don't know because to me it shouldn't matter. I worry if DC outs a massive figure like Batman then he will become nothing more important than his sexulaity. Don't get me wrong having a character being gay is great it shows the younger kids who might be reading and infact older people that it's perfectly fine to be gay. But in my opinion if they want a character to be gay, why don't they create a new comic book character and have them gay from the start, then this character will be themselves not just an established character with a sudden new label. Hmm I'm not sure if i'm getting my point across well enough here, but yeah I hope who ever reads this gets the general jist of what I'm getting at.

And onto Batman being gay it'll nullify some of the story lines in the comics and i'm not talking like ones from 90s, 80s, 70s and even 60s but the ones which have been made so far in the relauch. I mean in the first issue of Catwoman we see her and Batman having sex. So if Batman's gay who's the one who's going to break it to Catwoman? Pfft I wouldn't want to be the one.

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