Tuesday 1 May 2012

Religion crap

So my rambling for now is about sex befor marriage, marriage in general and religion.

The reason for this choice of topic is because of someone on my facebook friends list brought it up. She posted something about how sex is meant to be better before marriage and she made the claim thats why there are so many teenage pregnancies. Note that this girl is way into her religion. But i personally don't get it, its not because people aren't waiting till marriage to have sex its because some young people are misinformed about sexual education these days. If they're anything like me i didn't recieve sexual education in school, although i had basic sex ed from my mom, which some parents seem to do less and less of now. And to disprove her teen pregnancy view, well some teens get married at 18 and pregnant bu 19, that's a teen pregnancy and it was within marriage, what would she have to say against that?

When I told her about my views on marriage and how nowadays its simply a piece of paper and a woman losing her identity she went on a rant about how marriage makes a strong bond between people. But if a couple has such a strong bond why do they need a marriage certificate to prove this? My opinion hell no. A bond between a couple isn't defined by a marriage.  Obviously the girl didn't like my opinion and then spured off about religion... which is awkward i don't believe in religion. She went on about hope marriage is about religion, but it isn't! She asked how marriage couldn't be related as people get married in churches and other religious places... which again is awkward when people get married in registry offices, castles, hotels and stately home nowadays because people don't believe in religion but want a marriage as its the 'joining' of two people. And going back to the strong bond, how can be a strong bond when there's a high percentage of marriages which end in divorces, yeah real strong bond there m'dear.

I mentioned about Gay people, and she told me being gay was a sin. I may not be gay myself but i have friend which are gay and i support gay rights in general, they are exactly the same as us just they love people of the same gender not the opposite, something which i don't see as wrong. You don't choose who you fall in love, it just happens. What i personally hated about this girl's replies about Gay people was the fact it was said God accepts all regardles... So why can't he accept Gays hmm?

I really should stop writing now, it just angers me how horrible christianity is after they claim to accept all, least the views this girl was presenting were horrible and closed minded. I'm not saying all christians give this bad image out but this girl was doing nothing for the look of christianity. Well rant over, just wait for someone to post a horrible comment to me now. Cheers in advance. :P

- Faye x

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