Wednesday 2 May 2012

First Time Voter!!

So I'm sitting here on my laptop in a room which smells amazing (thanks for a yummy smelling candle) and I'm looking at who's up for election in my area.

YAY!!! First time voter here.

Okay so not many people feel voting is a real big thing, especially if it's just a local election but I'm not gonna lie I'm bloody excited... For the pure fact i can now talk about politics from time to time with actually being able to vote. That and as a woman, its important to me seeming many suffragettes sacrificed themselves for women to have the vote.

I'm not completely sure who I'll vote for but i definitely won't be voting Labour that's for sure! Even though in my area they'll probably win, which is a shame. Still looks like most people can't see all theses cuts that Conservative are having to do are because Labour spent money which the country had. Conservative are trying to fix the mess we're in! Granted I don't agree with everything they're doing and how they're doing it but nobody's perfect, least they're not diving us into more debt like Labour would.

I'll stop writing about politics now before i end up with pages and pages of my thoughts.

I'm sure if someone comes across this little blog they'll disagree with me but hey we all have our opinions.

And regarding the parties up for election in my area, if i'm correct they are Labour, Conservative, BNP and the Green Party.

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