Monday 6 August 2012

Small Rant. [Pro Gay Marriage]

If laws aren't meant to be taken from religion, seriously why is there a big commotion about gay marriage? It should be legal and end of. Why should a law be made from a book which is based upon old tales from hundreds and thousands of years ago? Law is meant to be modern and fit with the times. Simple.

Quite frankly the gender of who you love shouldn't matter. Love is love regardless of anything.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

it's a nice sentiment. :)

You know what's lovely to see?

It's lovely to see Christian Bale take time out of his schedule to go see the injured victims from the Aurora shooting in hosptial. He asked that the media wasn't notified and Warner Brothers didn't even know about intention to visit. The fact that he done it off his own back so to speak is brilliant and shows how much of a good person he is.

Okay this visit won'twon't heal phsyical or emotional wounds, but it's a nice sentiment, because quite frankly it's not something he had to do, but he has.

Just a short little post today, but it made me smile to see these pictures. :)

Friday 20 July 2012

I already know i'll be in tears writing this...

Like my little title there tells you, I'm going to cry trying to write this and attempt to get my thoughts out.

Although i did intended to write a blog about what i thought about The Dark Knight Rises tonight, i find i can't. As much as i enjoyed the film i want to write about the tragedy which occurred after midnight, in Colorado, Denver, Aurora. Something which media outlets are labelling as 'Aurora Dark Knight Massacre' or 'The Batman Massacre'.

God rest their souls to those who lost their lives on the 20/07/2012, and may my thoughts be with their families and friends, they'll have love from all over the world.

It's sad what happened no doubt about it, and i can't help but admit that a few times during today upon reading updates about what was developing; i.e who the suspect was; but i found myself close to tears several times, only forcing myself to stay composed because of those around me. But i find what happened a wake up call. In the sense horrible things like this happen to remind us how fragile life is, and how anyone can destroy it. It's sad that we only realise in times like this, but it is also in times like this people can stick together and support each other more than imaginable. But it is sad that we need times like this to remind us nothing is permanent and that community is more important than we'll admit.

What I hate is the names in which media outlets are labelling this massacre as. It hurts me to see the word Batman, and even just Batman related things (Dark Knight) to be used in the same sentence as massacre. I know that Batman, is just another word in the English dictionary and some might souly look at it as a character name, but to me and many others the word means so much more. Batman is a hero to people, an inspiration, a role model, a motivator. And so many different things to people. I know the name given to this massacre is because of the fact of when it happened, during a midnight screening of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, i don't know why but i feel a more appropriate name should be given. And i know some people may come across my blog and wonder why the hell i appear to be 'complaining' about a name of terrible event, but i don't mean to complain, i just think the media could label things better.

I don't think it's actually easy for what i am trying to say, but i feel like the label gives Batman a black mark. As i must admit as silly as it might have been i felt jumpy that something could possibly happen during the start of the film, because it was natural to think in the back of your head. 'Christ what if something happens' after all who could have ever predicted what would end up happening in that Cinema? No one could've.

I guess what i am trying to say is that i hope the films and the Batman character isn't forever associated with what happened. As the only factor Batman and the films had to do with this was because of the setting. What should be remembered is one deranged man caused this, a sick in the head coward killed 12 people, who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And as i think about it more, it isn't just my selfish desire to have Batman as this hero. I'm not too sure the families and friends of both the deceased and injured would want a constant reminder of the film which their loved ones were watching when they were attacked while completely defenceless.

As i read more about Aurora, the more it upsets me. Seeing an image of 24 year old girl called Jessica Ghawl, she was beautiful, and then to read what she was doing with her life is even sadder. She appeared to be the life of the party and clearly had her whole life in front of her. Its upsetting to see that the killer was the same age as Jessica, i don't know why but it evokes more emotion in me. It brings me to tears hearing about what this callous man did to people in that cinema, to hear the account of Jessica's best friend, who tried to help her before realising that she recieved a fatal blow, is heart breaking. A man of the same age stole her life, her livelyhood, her future, everything. And he stole it from 11 other people, 11 strangers and injured so many more. A part of me dreads hearing about the others who have died, it'll trouble me to hear how long some victims were, and what others were doing with their life.

I do hope i haven't caused anyone offence who might have found this blog and read it, but if i have it is in no way intentional.

Rest in peace to those who lost their lives 20/07/2012.

Monday 16 July 2012

So it looks like i didn't stick to it again...

I love how i said i'd stick to posting things on here now i have more free time and i haven't.

But then again i have to admit i can't say i have interesting things to blog about. I mean the title alone of this blog is my boring life blogged. Says it all really doesn't it? Hmm well perhaps i'll blog some of the boring things about my life properly soon? Although i have to say i haven't done a lot with my life lately. All it is eat, sleep, gym, work. And that's it, so there isn't much to talk about. But hey for those who do come across my blog and read i shall find something to write about soon.

and this time i really am promising. *cheesey grin*

Saturday 23 June 2012

I find it interesting...

Something which i find interesting about blogger is the fact they have a feature where you can see what countries your blog viewers are from. And i must say it's rather odd.

Odd in the sense where some of my blog viewers are coming from are. I genuinely wonder how the hell they find my blog, it's not like it's a problem, i like the idea random people find my blog but sometimes i'd love to know how exactly they've found it. Whether it be by random google search or something else, it'd just be nice to know.

So anyone who's possibly viewing my blog from many different corners of the world... Hey. :)

Sunday 17 June 2012

It feels like ages.

Gah, so i'm not actually sure how long it's been since i've put a new blog up but it feels like AGES!

But perhaps it feels longer because i've been busy being bog down by stupid revision for this oh so important exams, the sad thing there is they are actually important and i'm not being sarcastic. But hopefully I did enough just to get into uni, hopefully the uni i want to get into but if not i'll live, well as long as i get into  a uni.

Anyway, the long period of revision is finally over for me. YAY. So maybe this means i might find more things to blog about and have some random people read about? Hmm maybe, although it is nice to know that someone out there is reading my blog, even if they stumble upon it accidently or even if the blog hits aren't in the hundreds or thousands, it's just nice to know that someone might have found what i write interesting.

I'm not quite sure what to say about what i've done over the past few weeks because quite frankly i haven't done much. Unless you count accidently dying my hair bright ginger eventful? Hmm, maybe it can be. But other than up until last night i'd pretty much been a hermit.

Last night was a well deserved break from all the studying i've done (or maybe not done) and it was a nice way to celebrate finishing college and at the same time celebrate my friend's birthday.

To anyone who might actually enjoy reading my blog i promise to have more interesting things up soon. Pinky promise! :P

Saturday 26 May 2012

So i'm not going to lie...

I'm watching Eurovision. No shame it! Aha i mean some of the acts are brilliant! In the way they give you a good laugh, and what's life with laughter right?

Sadly i've missed the first hour, i forgot it was on simply and apparently England have already been on so that's a shame i'm not even sure who's representing us i just know he's meant to be the oldest guy to ever representing us.

Greece have just come on and i'm casually wondering if we're all gonna give them the sympathy vote. I mean surely it's the nicest thing we could do. Their ecomony is screwed up and so is everything with their government right. And right there, that's 100% than any sob story that has ever appeared on x factor before!!!

And Ireland! Damn I want them to win! Most people hate Jedward but i have to admit i love them! They get away with murder and well they act so unreal its funny so yeah i'd love if they won because they really shouldn't aha.

So come on Greece and Ireland!!! :P

Wednesday 23 May 2012

DC Comic to 'Out' A Character

So me being a lovely sibling, i decided to make us some chocolate cupcakes with some ice cream (which taste amazing if they're straight from the oven) anyway this isn't the point. So we were discussing things while watching Pirates of the Caribbean and Disney came up, which lead to me saying how Marvel is now owned by Disney and ultimately we spoke about DC.

She told me how DC are meant to be 'outing' a character and most people think it might be Batman.

Not gonna lie but that annoyed me. In fact it'd piss me off if DC outed Batman, and before anyone says i'm homophobic i'm not (i mean even look at one of my previous blogs aha anyway that's not the point) and let me explain.

To me DC suddenly wanting out someone seems a bit of a cope out, like they're doing it for the sake of doing it and not in the way in which it develops a character. It feels, least to me it feels like they're doing it to keep up in the sense Marvel suddenly came out with a black Spider Man. And why they has to be an emphasis on the character's ethicty I don't know because to me it shouldn't matter. I worry if DC outs a massive figure like Batman then he will become nothing more important than his sexulaity. Don't get me wrong having a character being gay is great it shows the younger kids who might be reading and infact older people that it's perfectly fine to be gay. But in my opinion if they want a character to be gay, why don't they create a new comic book character and have them gay from the start, then this character will be themselves not just an established character with a sudden new label. Hmm I'm not sure if i'm getting my point across well enough here, but yeah I hope who ever reads this gets the general jist of what I'm getting at.

And onto Batman being gay it'll nullify some of the story lines in the comics and i'm not talking like ones from 90s, 80s, 70s and even 60s but the ones which have been made so far in the relauch. I mean in the first issue of Catwoman we see her and Batman having sex. So if Batman's gay who's the one who's going to break it to Catwoman? Pfft I wouldn't want to be the one.

So i ended up not sticking to my own plan

Not sure whether or not it's shocking that i didn't stick to own plan with this. I had planned on writing a post every few days but i think i've neglected this for nearly two weeks. Hmm maybe that's not too bad if people aren't exactly reading this. Pfft i can pretend people are reading this, although i must say this will probably be like a diary, just one everyone can read... and perhaps not with every single personal item which might be included in a diary. Christ i'll stop rambling now.

Well anyway this week i finally got all my student finance done. YAY! And by done i mean signed the right things and well yeag posted them and all. So all i need to do is get my grades. *le sigh* I'm gonna need some real luck for that!

And if i get the grades I know where i'm living. :D Just i don't know who i might be living with seem i've posted on the Derby facebook page and nothing. No one. It's getting me all worried! I'm gonna die if i get stuck with some real tools. *thinks of a gazillion possibilities*

Friday 11 May 2012

Not Like The Movies

So this year in media i had to make a music video and well in my opinion it came out better than i could have possibly have expected. I've managed to create something which i'm geniunely proud of. So as apparrently there's people looking at my blog i thought i'd share what i made.


I made the video with my friend, just to point out i'm the girl in the vid, if you haven't notice my little picture from my profile and the guy is my friend Harmesh. The filming and directing was done by my partner in the project Laura who also co produced the idea with me. I have to say i'm proud of the editing because that's something i mainly did.

Well if anyone would like to comment and tell me what you think about it i'd love to know what you think. :)

Thursday 10 May 2012

Keep on track!!

So i was planning on putting posts up ever few days but that failed last week, hmm am i allowed to use the excuse that i had food poisoning? I personally think so.

Aha so i go over to my nan's, who complains i don't go around enough and then she gives me food poisoning, see! Old people are evil! :P

So anyway, back to blogging? Yup, and I'm actually going to try keep on track with everything, so what have i got to juggle? Work, A levels (nearly finally done yay) and an attempt to blog. Okay written down now that doesn't seem much, but yeah in reality it feels like being under an avalanche.

And yeah A levels are the biggest thing weighing me down right now, the work seems never ending and well I'm beginning to think I'm not smart enough to go to uni, especially when i'm finding English so hard right now, the problem is i can't remember anything that's worth any good marks in the exam, clearly i need to be doing some hardcore revision, meh but why does it have to take so much effort?

Christ the sooner college is over the better, lets just pray for a miracle and i'll pass my exams and get into Derby Uni!!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

First Time Voter!!

So I'm sitting here on my laptop in a room which smells amazing (thanks for a yummy smelling candle) and I'm looking at who's up for election in my area.

YAY!!! First time voter here.

Okay so not many people feel voting is a real big thing, especially if it's just a local election but I'm not gonna lie I'm bloody excited... For the pure fact i can now talk about politics from time to time with actually being able to vote. That and as a woman, its important to me seeming many suffragettes sacrificed themselves for women to have the vote.

I'm not completely sure who I'll vote for but i definitely won't be voting Labour that's for sure! Even though in my area they'll probably win, which is a shame. Still looks like most people can't see all theses cuts that Conservative are having to do are because Labour spent money which the country had. Conservative are trying to fix the mess we're in! Granted I don't agree with everything they're doing and how they're doing it but nobody's perfect, least they're not diving us into more debt like Labour would.

I'll stop writing about politics now before i end up with pages and pages of my thoughts.

I'm sure if someone comes across this little blog they'll disagree with me but hey we all have our opinions.

And regarding the parties up for election in my area, if i'm correct they are Labour, Conservative, BNP and the Green Party.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Religion crap

So my rambling for now is about sex befor marriage, marriage in general and religion.

The reason for this choice of topic is because of someone on my facebook friends list brought it up. She posted something about how sex is meant to be better before marriage and she made the claim thats why there are so many teenage pregnancies. Note that this girl is way into her religion. But i personally don't get it, its not because people aren't waiting till marriage to have sex its because some young people are misinformed about sexual education these days. If they're anything like me i didn't recieve sexual education in school, although i had basic sex ed from my mom, which some parents seem to do less and less of now. And to disprove her teen pregnancy view, well some teens get married at 18 and pregnant bu 19, that's a teen pregnancy and it was within marriage, what would she have to say against that?

When I told her about my views on marriage and how nowadays its simply a piece of paper and a woman losing her identity she went on a rant about how marriage makes a strong bond between people. But if a couple has such a strong bond why do they need a marriage certificate to prove this? My opinion hell no. A bond between a couple isn't defined by a marriage.  Obviously the girl didn't like my opinion and then spured off about religion... which is awkward i don't believe in religion. She went on about hope marriage is about religion, but it isn't! She asked how marriage couldn't be related as people get married in churches and other religious places... which again is awkward when people get married in registry offices, castles, hotels and stately home nowadays because people don't believe in religion but want a marriage as its the 'joining' of two people. And going back to the strong bond, how can be a strong bond when there's a high percentage of marriages which end in divorces, yeah real strong bond there m'dear.

I mentioned about Gay people, and she told me being gay was a sin. I may not be gay myself but i have friend which are gay and i support gay rights in general, they are exactly the same as us just they love people of the same gender not the opposite, something which i don't see as wrong. You don't choose who you fall in love, it just happens. What i personally hated about this girl's replies about Gay people was the fact it was said God accepts all regardles... So why can't he accept Gays hmm?

I really should stop writing now, it just angers me how horrible christianity is after they claim to accept all, least the views this girl was presenting were horrible and closed minded. I'm not saying all christians give this bad image out but this girl was doing nothing for the look of christianity. Well rant over, just wait for someone to post a horrible comment to me now. Cheers in advance. :P

- Faye x

Where to begin?

So where do you begin when you decide to start blogging?

To be quite honest I'm not really sure. Perhaps i should make some long winded post about why i started blogging and why you should read my exciting (yeah i wish) blog.

Hmm so basically i thought i'd start blogging after having to make a blog for my media work for the past two years doing A level, and seeming i finish college in 6 weeks i might as well start on something to keep me occupied in my time off before uni. So i sorta hope some people might read this, if not well i can see how much i rambled in months to come. So hey there possible readers! Hope i keep you interested.

Faye x